Continuous development of a digital asset management service

Edita Prima was founded as far back as 1859. With a mission to help customers communicate better, Edita Prima is a tech company that focuses on customer communication and the automation of sales support processes. The company helps develop its customers’ business by orchestrating automated customer journeys to perfection by turning data friendly. Edita Prima […]

Take a step forward.

Welcome to Codemate! More than just a job “Working with us, we help you get to the next level and have fun while at it.” For us this is more than a job – at Codemate we are not just professionals, but friends who want to work in a great community. Together we decide how […]

React Developer

We are looking for a versatile developer, especially strong in the front-end of the web, and especially with technologies like React, Angular or Vue. But first and foremost, a good friend and a colleague. The position can be located in Bangkok, Helsinki or Oulu. Why Codemate? Our motto is ”Go Forward”. It means that our number […]

Node.js Developer

Are you an experienced Node.js Developer? Let’s talk. We know, there’s a high demand on the market for your skillset. So why choose Codemate, a small company nobody has ever heard of? What would your friends say? We challenge you to read further, perhaps Codemate is exactly what you are looking for. Why Codemate? Our […]

Software Architect

Are you an experienced Software Architect or on your way to becoming one in your next career move? Let’s talk. We know, there’s high demand on the market for your skillset. So why choose Codemate, a small company nobody has never heard of? What would your friends say? Codemate is not for everyone, but perhaps […]

Google Flutter DevTools

Google wanted to improve the developer experience of Flutter applications, by improving DevTools, the main utility tool for Flutter developers. It was getting hard to understand and debug complex apps and Google asked Codemate to help with the user experience. Flutter Background Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for crafting beautiful applications for mobile, web, and […]