Jukka-Pekka’s journey from Mobile Developer to Team Lead at Codemate

A long career in IT means witnessing the ebb and flow of technologies, evolving methodologies, and the introduction of new tools and technologies for developers. In 2006, Jukka-Pekka Siitonen graduated from Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences with a degree in software engineering, and that same year, he began his career as a mobile developer.

Flutter swept him away

Over the years, the company has grown, and Jukka-Pekka’s, or better known, JP’s, role has evolved. He joined the company as “just an ordinary developer,” and currently, JP is a Flutter developer and team lead on a Schaeffler project. JP still works in mobile development, which has fascinated him since his student days.

– I did my thesis on the Symbian system, developing a text recognition program that worked via the phone’s camera. That was my first mobile project, and essentially my entire career has been in mobile development, JP summarises.

Since Codemate’s interest in Flutter grew, JP has shifted away from developing with native Android/iOS languages. He was introduced to Flutter by a former colleague, Iiro Krankka, when it was still in beta, and his interest was piqued. After a stint on an Android project, he has since remained closely involved with Flutter.

– Creating a user interface with Flutter is much more enjoyable than with native languages, JP notes, highlighting the visible benefits for developers.

You can learn more about Codemate’s Flutter projects on the Rebel App Studio by Codemate website. Rebel’s emergence is part of the company’s development and growth: Nowadays, mobile projects, successes, and the expertise of Codemate’s staff are being showcased more prominently.

In addition to developing, JP enjoys spending time outdoors.

Working with familiar colleagues makes any project easier

It’s no secret that employees tend to stay at Codemate for several years. JP started at Codemate in 2015 and has been happy there. Job satisfaction and a good working atmosphere have contributed to this.

– I guess it would be hard to find a more enjoyable workplace. Here, you get to learn new things, discover your strengths with new technologies because you have the chance to delve into them – and of course, the colleagues are a big plus. A good working atmosphere and humor at the Oulu office work for me, JP says.

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Throughout his career, JP has worked on projects of various sizes. He knows what it’s like to advance a small project solo, and on the other hand, what it’s like to be part of a large team. In big team projects, it’s easy for your skills to become narrow, whereas working alone isn’t appealing to JP.

– When you work solo, you do learn a lot. But in a team, like in the Schaeffler project, you know you can always ask colleagues for help or at least tips, and you usually get a solution. I enjoy working as a part of a team, JP summarises.

Working with the same people for a long time also makes teamwork easier. Over the years, you get to know your colleagues and their work habits in different projects, which, according to JP, makes the work much smoother.

Codemate’s unique work atmosphere

According to JP, a typical Codemate employee is a professional with a good sense of humor, someone you can rely on, and who is committed to their work. JP recognizes that sometimes work has consumed him a bit too much.

– The immediacy of work can easily take over, and I’ve received great help from the Auntie service to detach from work, which I highly recommend to my colleagues. To detach from work, I also spend a lot of time outdoors throughout the year, for example skiing in the winter, JP shares.

Work endurance is also supported by occasional practical jokes, especially at the Oulu office, which help brighten colleagues’ days.

Read more about Codemate’s workplace culture!

– One of the most memorable was when the team wrapped a colleague’s entire workstation in foil during their summer vacation, JP recalls with a laugh.

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