consulting, design, code

Moi Mobiili

Multiplatform customer experience

Moi – From young rascal to a serious mobile operator contender

How about a multiplatform customer experience so smooth and empowering, that you never have to call the actual help desk? How about challenging the big established players with remarkably fewer resources? Does that sound too good to be true? Yes, it does, and it’s happening right here and now.

From the start, Moi strived to be the most laid-back, yet service-oriented, mobile operator with an honest and big heart. Now the matured alternative operator has been owned by DNA since 2019. Moi, like many of our clients, has been growing together with us in a long-lasting relationship filled with mutual trust and transparency. This technically demanding project has been made together with a team of multiple experienced vendors and freelance consultants and Moi’s in-house team – all with their specific roles and contributions.

By now, it’s clear that Moi’s strategy has paid off, with the company experiencing double-digit growth since 2018. At the end of 2023, Moi started collaborating with multiple local retailers to offer a loyalty benefit from retail group SOK. Over the first minutes of the launch, they experienced a tenfold increase in system traffic.

Multiplatform for both B2B and B2C

We’ve been developing Moi’s B2B and B2C client services from the outset, with agility, clear communication, and smart technology choices being key to our success. Our team consisted of a UX/UI Designer, four Mobile Developers, and a Project Lead. Given the app’s use across a variety of customer segments, we thoroughly analysed feedback and support tickets from end users and other stakeholders to ensure continuous improvement.

A fast-paced, sprint-based agile methodology was required to meticulously plan and coordinate the simultaneous activities occurring in different lanes of the process.

Streamlining user experience with Flutter

Over the past few years, Flutter has emerged as the most trusted and rapidly growing technology for delivering high-performance, value-added user experiences and development across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and the web. The Moi -project has not been an exception and Flutter has been used on the project from the beginning of our cooperation. Since Codemate has been developing Flutter with Google for more than 6 years, it was the most relevant option for us to propose. Making it possible to compile browser-based web apps from one codebase is a tremendous asset. The Mun Moi web platform was initially built with React, which increased the load on DevOps but resulted in a user experience that didn’t meet the required standards. By now, it is safe to say changing to Flutter was a good decision.

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“My first thought about Flutter was that finally, someone is doing something sensible for development purposes.”

Kalle Vuoristo

CTO, Moi Mobiili

Facelift with a new design system

The highlight of the latest release was the new Moi facelift project, where Moi’s distinct brand language was further refined to enhance the design-driven strategy and improve the user experience. A multi-vendor collaboration ensured a synchronised launch across all customer touchpoints. Codemate’s role was to develop the first version of a detailed design system, serving as a ‘single source of truth’ for all coded assets.

“As the “mastermind” behind the Moi brand it feels good to see its rich personality coming to life in all digital interactions.”

Ulla Koivula, CMO, Moi Mobiili

The new design system done by Codemate is more than a traditional brand guide. It’s a multi-purpose shared asset with digital interfaces first approach.


Moi can now release new app versions much faster, sometimes multiple times a week. The same compact team manages both mobile and web design and development, thanks to Flutter’s single codebase approach. A unified design system with pre-built components streamlines multi-vendor collaboration and improves communication between design and development teams. This detailed specification of elements also ensures a more consistent and cohesive user experience.

“Collaborating with Codemate has been smooth sailing from the beginning. Their pragmatic approach, creativity, and technical ability make teamwork easy and effortless.”

Patrik D’Arcy, Development Manager, Moi Mobiili

Mun Moi app has received highly positive feedback on Google Play and AppStore, where it has gotten 4-5 star ratings all around.

A refined digital user experience has been central to Moi’s automation-driven, efficiency-first business approach. Our goal is to make the user experience even more seamless and engaging in the future.

It is needless to say collaboration with a forward-thinking operator like Moi has been a pleasure for all of us at Codemate. Keep up the positive rascal attitude, even at the age of adulthood as an operator!

Learn more about our other Flutter projects on Rebel App Studio’s website!

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Want to learn more about Moi Mobiili?

Contact Miika!

Miika Toljamo dash rectangle dash rectangle dash rectangle dash rectangle dash rectangle dash rectangle

Miika Toljamo,

Senior Partner & Business Director

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Developer experience

Google / Developer experience

Burger King Finland

Restel / Burger King Finland

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